Tuesday 15 May 2012

hye all my peeps,
lame x tulis blog
rindu rasenye
i wanna share something,
hope u will enjoy it.
this is one of my way
to release my sadness and sorrow
its start now
1,2,3, go....hehe
this few days
was a bad day for me
its hard
its terrible
kdg2 rse xnk idop dah
rse cm loser sgt
susa nk explain sbb
its too hard
if ckp nnt akan lebih wat aty sndri terluka
so at the ends
i will just keep my mouth shut
n cry in pain
harsh words that u give
really make me feel that
im totally jerk
yes i believe that
i made mistake
everyone make mistake
but u cant always
fingerpoint me
every words i said
was meaningless to u
and if i were to start
a new conversation,
u will always find my fault
that really not fair, dear!
if i just only
one day
i could make u stop
stop from
hurting me
making me sad
how i wish
it happen
damn serious i mean it
until now
maybe we are just 
not meant to be together
we are just two different people
trying to get things right
i may smile in front of u
but the pain wont go away

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